Széchenyi István University



PhD activity at the Széchenyi István University:



PhD Schools:


Ÿ        Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering,
Modeling and Development of Infrastructural Systems


Ÿ        Multidisciplianry Doctoral School of Social Sciences,
Economy, Law, Regionalism and Society in the integration of Central Europe




Ÿ       Members of the PhD Comittee

Univ. Prof. Dr. Koren Csaba
István University
Vice rector of Education and Research  

Univ. Prof. Bakó András DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Barta Györgyi DSc.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center of Regional Research


Univ. Prof. Bőhm Antal DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Cser László DSc.

Corvinus University Budapest


Univ. Prof. Enyedi György DSc.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center of Regional Research


Univ. Prof. Fehér Lenke

Hungarian Academy of Sciences,  Comittee of Law and Political Sciences


Univ. Prof. Gáspár László DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Halmai Gábor DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Hegedűs István DSc.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering


Univ. Prof. Holló Péter DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Kerékgyártó György DSc.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences


Univ. Prof. Keviczky László DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Kóczy T. László DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Lamm Vanda DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Rechnitzer János DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Univ. Prof. Réti Tamás DSc.

Széchenyi István University


Czeglédi Csilla

PhD student

Széchenyi István University