Highwire Daze (USA) interview with Mihaly:

- Introduce yourself and tell me what you do in Even Song.

The band was formed in the summer of '97 by Agnes (female vocals, keyboard), Mihaly Szabo (grunts, guitar) and Gabor Olah (that's me) (lead guitar). In September Gabor Vegh (drums) & Gergely Cseh (bass) joined the band. This line-up hasn't changed since then. After a long time of rehearsing and some gigs in Hungary (that's where we live) we went to a hungarian studio to record our one and only demoLost Tales. It contains 6 songs in a gloomy and depressive style. There were some good reviews in Hungary and abroad as well. In the summer of '98 we got signed by Displeased Records. In Sept we went to studio again to record our debut album Path Of Th Angels. And now here we are.

- Where is the band from and what is the music scene like there?

We're from Hungary. You know it's a small country with not too much bands. There are some talented one, but the hungarian conditions are awful. This style (I mean metal/rock music) was always an underground here. The media is not interested in rock music only in tecno and disco groups. Actually there aren't many label specialized in metal/rock music.  So it's very hard to get on for a metalband in our homecountry. The only chance for a hungarian band is to got signed by a foreign label.But as far as I know there are only 3 bands (Sear Bliss, Tormentor) with a foreign contract.

- What do you think makes Even Song stand a part from other metalbands?

I don't know, it's up to the audience. We only write songs that come from our heart. Some will like it some won't. But think it's natural. We won't write foolish songs about foolish things just because it would be more profitable. We tread our own way.

- What are the subjects to write about in the songs and where do you get your ideas?

Our songs about the loss of beauty & about the distortion of morale. You know there isn't too much place for dreams and desires in this world nowadays.

- Describe a live Even Song show to those of us who have yet to see you live.

To tell the truth we only had 5 gigs yet. So it is very hard to tell anything about the live show.

- Any chance Even Song will play in the States soon?
It's up to our label. I hope we will in the near future.

- What CD do you own that someone would be very surprised to find in your collection?

I have a lot of classical Cds: Vivaldi, Bach, Brahms. I also have some Loreena McKennith stuff and some Enya too.

- What are the future plans for Even Song?

We are planning to record our new album somewhen in September, so nowadays we spend most of our time in the rehearsing room. After the recording some gigs abroad.

- Do you have a web page?

Not yet, but there are some infos about the band on the Displeased homepage: http://come.to/displeased

- What do you tell people who fear the coming of the new millennium?

Don not fear.

- Any messages for metal fans here in the States?

Heavy Metal Rulez!!