Subject: WIN32 Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 00:24:56 -0500 From: To: I am a NASM kind of guy (don't own TASM anyways and like NASM more than MASM), I have been using it since v0.94, but I also use Borland C++ 5.x. Your page was great 'cos I finally was able to make those win32 asm programs I've been wanting to for SO long. But I had to use the ALINKER (TLINK32 wouldn't link with the "..start" directive in 32-bit OMF-OBJ), which meant I couldn't link in BC5 C object modules (ALINKER rejected them) ... until ... I found on the Windows Developer Journal webpage (by accident) a program that set the entry point of the program to any label in the EXPORTS section of the PE. The code was faulty, but after fixing some small pointer errors it worked - I linked a pure C OBJ with a NASM OBJ. The only drawback is that no CLASSLIB or RTL can be used (who needs that anyways). Here's the source and an .EXE, of the program SETENTRY, which can set the entry point of anything in PE format (EXE, DLL, anything else?). Thought it was cool, it was what I needed to get around the problem of no "/ENTRY:" option link MS LINK. Thanks for reading my rambling, - Vzzrzzn