Széchenyi István University
Research and Art Student's Circle



Members of the Comittee
of Research and Art Student's Circle

Univ. Prof. Dr. Bukoveczky György
Mészáros Márta
Institutes Coordinator on the Faculty
Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering Ass. Prof. Dr Alexay Zoltán 
Institute of Economics and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sey István 
Institute of Infomation Technology and Electrical Engineering Ass. Prof. Dr. Égertné Dr. Molnár Éva
Institute of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering Ass. Prof. Dr. Suhai Ferenc 
Institute of Social Work and Nursing Ass. Prof. Dr. Nánási Judit 
Institute of Musical Art Prof. Ruppert István 




Last programs of the Research and Art Student's Circle



The date of the next conference
of the Research and Art Student's Circle:

Autum, 2001.